Millwork Support

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Activity overview

Latest activity by Millwork Support
  • Millwork Support created an article,

    E-Catalog Update Not Running

    *** NOTE IF YOU HAVE AN IT DEPARTMENT OR IT SERVICE PLEASE CONTACT THEM BEFORE MAKING CHANGES *** Symptoms Some users have been running into the issue where they cannot run an update on any of thei...

  • Millwork Support created an article,

    Product Management

    Product Management is a new feature that allows for distributors to manage and create modules in their E-Catalogs using the Misc Items template. This product is in the early stages of development a...

  • Millwork Support created an article,

    What information do we collect about you?

    At Millwork Development, we're serious about only collecting the minimum required information about our customers. You may have seen a pop up such as this in your AutoLauncher, asking you to share ...

  • Millwork Support created an article,

    Updating the AutoLauncher

    Occasionally, Millwork Development will push out bug fixes and feature updates to the AutoLauncher via an update. Updating is straightforward, and should be done as soon as possible to ensure your ...

  • Millwork Support created an article,

    Exporting E-Catalog Projects to CSV

    Exporting your E-Catalog project to a CSV file is a simple process that only requires a few clicks. Using the the following steps will allow both Online and Desktop users the ability to export your...

  • Millwork Support created an article,

    Why am I limited to 10 printers?

    Due to restrictions in the underlying technology,  users are limited to 10 printers redirected to the online E-Catalog. When we detect more than 10 printers installed on your system, we will show a...

  • Millwork Support created an article,

    What is E-Cat Transfer?

    E-Cat transfer is a utility used to facilitate the movement of project files to and from our server. This is useful for users who are using both the online and desktop versions of the E-Catalog. As...

  • Millwork Support created an article,

    Getting started with E-Cat Transfer

    In order to start using the E-Cat Transfer utility, you'll need to log into your online E-Catalog. Once logged in, open the File Transfer dialog, which is located under the info menu. Clicking thi...

  • Millwork Support created a post,

    Moving announcements to the forum

    Effective immediately, we will be switching from posting announcements as articles on the support site to posts in the forum. There are two reasons for this: Moving to the forum will hopefully sho...

  • Millwork Support created a post,

    Maintenance Planned for 2/15/20 11:00 PM CT

    On Saturday, February 15th, we will be performing upgrades to our new infrastructure in order to better accommodate our growing user base. Maintenance will start at 2/15/2020 11PM CST. We expect m...