Why am I getting this error?
This error is linked to one of three possible issues and depends on your use case. One of them being DPI scaling on your computer that uses multiple monitors. DPI scaling is how Windows handles monitors with various resolutions so the look and feel is similar across screens. Computers commonly affected are those with high DPI screens such as Microsoft Surface computers or laptops with high resolution screens that are connected to a lower resolution monitor. Another reason that can lead to this issue is lower LAN Manager Authentication level which causes our server to refuse your connection. More info on this can be found below.
LAN Manager Authentication level causing this issue is generally caused by the local computer falling back to using NTLMv1, which was originally implemented in 1987 and has now been deprecated by Microsoft due to security risk. If you are getting this error it means that your computer is using NTLMv1 to connect to our servers which refuse the connection. Since Windows Vista windows has defaulted to using NTLMv2 and for some reason that default has been changed on your computer.
If neither of the first two items resolve the Disconnect Reason 50331656, it may be related to a VPN (Virtual Private Network). If you are using a VPN, try disconnecting from it and launching the program again. You may reach out to your IT department and see if there is a security setting that has recently changed or been updated. This might be the culprit for the sudden error coming up, when you have been using the E-Catalog successfully in the past.
Addition information on NTLMv1 and its risks can be found at the following Microsoft blog article
How to fix this issue
DPI Scaling
DPI Scaling can be fixed by changing the scale in the display settings or disabling multi monitor support in the Auto - Launcher. Guides for how to do this can be found here
LAN Manager Authentication Level
There are two ways to fix this issue depending on the version of windows you are using. Fixing this issue involves changing your LAN Manger authentication level to only send NTLMv2, which will not be refused by our servers.
How to figure out what version of windows you have
Finding your version of windows can be done by either navigating to the About PC section in the control panel / system properties section or using Windows key + R and entering winver in the dialog.
Windows Pro Users
If you have a copy of windows (7, 8, 8.1, 10) Professional Edition this change can be be made through the Local Security Policy application that is built in to windows professional by using the following steps.
- Open up the Local Security policy manager by using the windows search feature or Windows key + R and enter secpol.msc into the dialog box
- Navigate to LAN Manager Authentication Level: Security Settings > Local Policy > Security Options > LAN Manager Authentication Level and right click the policy
- Choose Send NTLMv2 response only from the drop down.
- Click OK
After this policy is applied relaunching the Auto-Launch should result in your E-Catalog opening. If the error continues to happen please contact Millwork Development support at 612-999-4072
Non Windows Pro users
Non windows professional users will be required to make a registry edit, which Millwork Development Support will be happy to assist you in making. Millwork Development Support can be contacted at 612-999-4072 or emailed at support@millworkdevelopment.com
DPI Scaling
Due to issues with windows remote desktop protocol, DPI scaling can cause issues when trying to launch a remote app, but can be fixed. This can be fixed in a few different ways, with the easiest being changing the compatibility settings for you Auto-Launcher. This can be done by:
- Right Clicking the Auto-Launcher icon and selecting Properties
- Selecting the Compatibility Tab
- Clicking "Change high DPI settings"
- Checking "Override high DPI scaling behavior
- Selecting "Application" in the dropdown
This also can be solved by settings your display scaling to match all other monitors in your set up. This os done in the display settings which can be found by right clicking the desktop and selecting "Display Settings"
If you are having trouble making these changes or these changes did not solve your problem Millwork Development Support will be happy to assist you in solving these issues. Millwork Development Support can be contacted at 612-999-4072 or emailed at support@millworkdevelopment.com
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