Product Management is a new feature that allows for distributors to manage and create modules in their E-Catalogs using the Misc Items template. This product is in the early stages of development and will be developed into the future to provide the best user experience MWD can provide for its distributors. If bugs are found while using
Item View: Table for items in product type to be displayed with item info
Navigation Tabs: Tabs for navigating between the separate components of Product management
Product Types: Dropdown for selecting available product types
Upload Spreadsheet: Opens Dialog to choose what product type the spreadsheet will replace
Export Spreadsheet: Exports spreadsheet of current selected product type
Categories: Categories for filtering items based up their organizational structure given to them.
Expanded view
Clicking on an item in the table will expand the row and show more details about the item. In addition to the additional details this will also allow you to edit each specific items.
Editing Items
Editing an item allows for the change in price, lead-time, description, and changing images for both display and detail images.
Display image is the thumbnail image in tables in misc items module
Detail image is the image that pops up when hovering over display image
When uploading images all images will need to be cropped before finishing the upload.
Note: Aspect ratio of cropping tool can be unlocked by clicking lock in upper right corner
Uploading a spreadsheet is an easy way to make large changes to the items dataset without having to change items individually. Uploading is limited to a single product type at a time and WILL OVERWRITE ALL ITEMS THAT IN UNDER THAT PRODUCT TYPE. To avoid losing wanted items it is important to export the current item dataset for a product type and to use the provided spreadsheet for editing. More info on the spreadsheet can be found in the spreadsheet section.
The management section is the location for all relevant information about current product types in the E-Catalog as well as Leadtime and other important information.
Misc Items Dataset Version number (YYYYMMDD.RELEASE): Version number for all product types in Misc Items management
Product Type (Product Line) Info: All product types that have been added to misc item management
Leadtime info: Descriptions added to items with lead times up to number displayed
Publish: After confirming intent to publish this will push all datasets into the E-Catalog
Publishing the E-Catalog will push all data that is the master copy of the items (Anything viewed from management component). This needs to be done after checking items and modules are correct and functioning in the development version of the E-Catalog provided by MWD. Failing to do so will overwrite all data in your production E-Catalog and cause incorrect data added to the E-Catalog. Please contact MWD with any questions concerning publishing.
Adding / Editing Product Line (Product Type)
When adding/ Editing a product type a Product Type and Image will be required. After this all other informational will change how the details are displayed in the E-Catalog
Category names change how the names displayed for filtering in the E-Catalog (See following image). This is beneficial when subcategories have items such as colors or collections. MWD is able to provide assistance building categories / Category names
Details is all other info / options for how items will be displayed in the table of E-Catalog
Image Management
Image management allows for bulk image uploads to be completed to ease in the process of creating additions distributor managed modules. Image management also allows for organization of Images to logically sperate images using folders.
NOTE: All images upload with name of either Item number or Manufacture number will be added to items in Item View tab. Images will also be resized to fit in a 300px X 300px image but will maintain aspect ratio.
Add Folder: create folders in currently viewed folder
Upload Images: Selected 1 to many images to be uploaded to Distributors Image Catalog folder
Path: Current path to directory viewed
Image List: List of images in viewed directory
Image View: Displays selected image along with Relevant info for image
Excel Spreadsheet
For easy management of items MWD recommends using the provide spreadsheet for any large updates to a group of items. Blank and example spreadsheets can be found in the attachments on article. If training or help with spreadsheet is need please contact MWD
Column | Description |
ItemNumber (required) | unique Item number assigned to item |
UOM | Unit of Measure |
Cost UOM |
Cost Unit of Measure |
MfgNumber | Manufacture Number |
Description | Description for item to be displayed in E-Catalog |
ProductType |
Product Type item is in (ex: AZEK) |
Product Category | Main Categories for Items (ex: Siding, Soffit & Fascia, etc) |
SubCategory1 - 5 | additional sorting for items (ex: Sandstone , 300 series) |
ProductCategorySortOrder | order in which Categories will be loaded |
SubCategory{1-5}SortOrder | order in which sub categories will be ordered (ex red : 1, sandstone: 2, etc) |
SpecifiedLenghtCode | Contact MWD for Desc |
ImageName | Name of image |
ImageFolderName |
Folder to find images in (dist uploaded images in root image folder left blank) Contact MWD for additional help/training |
PriceBreakQty |
Number of items for price break |
Price | Cost of item |
MultiplierCategory | Contact MWD for Desc |
MultiplierLevel{2-5}Qty | Contact MWD for Desc |
LeadTime | Lead time for item |
ItemNote | space for any notes on item |
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